What is the difference between signal preemption and signal priority?

Joseph Craven
2 min readMar 3, 2022


When we talk about Transit Signal Priority, the basic fact lies that by using Preemption and Priority settings for traffic signals, we can modify the signal timing and prioritize specific vehicle types, such as buses, trucks, emergency vehicles, or trains.

These systems primarily aim to speed up travel times, improve safety, and clear the way for priority vehicles to reach their next destination.

Let us understand the main distinction -

Signal Preemption:

Signal Preemption can be applied to emergency vehicles, trains, and light rail. Unlike priority, it takes control of an intersection and immediately turns all directions red except for the one in which an emergency vehicle is traveling. The system makes it easier for emergency vehicles to reach their destination by vacating a path through traffic signals. It enhances safety by providing a red light to all vehicles, pedestrians, and bicyclists who must stop and permit the emergency vehicle to proceed.

Signal Priority:

Transit vehicles such as trucks, buses, light rail, and streetcars are provided with extra green time at intersections through Signal Priority. By avoiding red lights, this additional time can prevent the bus from running late. It likewise further extends safety by assisting these vehicles with clearing the crossing point on a green light. By avoiding red lights, buses can arrive at stops on time and avoid traffic delays and congestion.

Various detection technologies can communicate to the traffic signal and request preemption or priority, and the choice should depend on the specific project requirements. Both TSP and SP systems require equipment on the vehicle and at the intersection to work accordingly.

Normally, buses and emergency vehicles work on the same equipment, but the detection of freight — trains, and trucks are usually different.

Three different detection categories detect the approaching vehicle and transfer the request (point, zone, and area):

  • A point detection system that detects a vehicle at a single point
  • A zone detection system that detects the presence of a vehicle within a zone near the intersection.

An area detection system that tracks the vehicle’s location within an area

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