Traffic Light Preemption Device
Traffic light preemption devices are executed in various ways as they can be located on-road vehicles and operated through remote control from a permanent location, such as a fire station, joined with Train-transportation Network Management Systems, or through an emergency call dispatcher. Traffic lights must be prepared to receive an activation signal controlled by any system intended for use in that area. If a traffic signal is not prepared to receive a traffic preemption signal, it will not recognize an activation and will continue to work in its normal cycle.
While offering individual vehicles varying levels of priority, a traffic-light preemption device must also handle multiple priority requests for the same intersection. Vehicles with an EMTRAC system may also include the optional Control Head, which will alert the drivers when many equipped vehicles are approaching the same point.
Get in Touch:
Location: Manufactured By STC, Inc. 1201 W. Randolph St, McLeansboro, IL 62859
Phone: Richard D’Alessandro: (214) 607–0100
Fax: (214) 607–0105