Optimizing Traffic Flow: The Impact of a Traffic Light Preemption Device
Preemption systems can decrease response times for emergency vehicles. Various studies have calculated a 15 to 50 percent depletion in response times and a 70 percent decrease in emergency vehicle crashes. These changes drastically affect the results of medical emergencies and have considerably improved traffic safety.
Traffic light/signal preemption is used in many places in the cities. It is a method in which traffic lights can be adjusted and fitted with unique infrared receiving gadgets when the signal is sent from a particular transmitter in a vehicle.
Traffic light preemption device are utilized in different ways as they can be placed on-road vehicles and operated through remote control from a fixed location, such as a fire station, that can be joined with train-transportation Network Management Systems or through an emergency call dispatcher. Ideally, a traffic signal should be ready to receive a traffic preemption signal; if it is not prepared, it will not identify any activation and will continue to work in its normal cycle.
For over 25 years, the EMTRAC system has been used throughout North America to help first-response and transit vehicles arrive at their destination quickly and safely.
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phone: (214) 607–0100
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Website: https://www.emtracsystems.com