Mobile Accessible Pedestrian Signal System

Joseph Craven
3 min readJan 19, 2021


Smart Pedestrian Detection APP

The technology offers different options for traffic intersections. GPS offers sufficient accuracy, but it cannot offer direct assistance in knowing where it is safe to cross. Some other systems require detailed 3D models of urban environments, but they are complex and are at times challenging to acquire.

The Pedestrian Detection App sends messages that tell about the intersection geometrics and the current status of the intersection displays (PED signals and vehicle signals). It also gives confirmation information to assist the blind pedestrian is safely crossing the street.

Basically, the detection apps offer a secure communications environment for a connected city.

The general procedure is to use the application’s information to assist the pedestrian or the bicycles and motorcycles in confirming their location (street and cross street), and provide verbal information regarding the signal state, thus improving their ability to cross the street safely.

Let us get more information about these Accessible Pedestrian Signals and Systems that help improve pedestrian safety.

Bicycle Detection App

The Bicycle Detection app gives traffic controllers apt information about the bicycles and motorcycles at crossings. The detection app runs on the rider’s mobile device. It is used as an indicator to notify corresponding traffic controllers so they follow the appropriate conditions for the given directions.

The Bicycle Detection app reduces the requirement for set loops in the roadway and the need for other wayside detection equipment. The system uses geographic detection zones that highlight traffic detection. There are some set conditions such as position, speed, and direction which need to be matched to get the results.

There are other detectors that reflect the intersection information. The detectors are compatible with all significant controller cabinets.

Pedestrian Detection App

At many places, pedestal fatalities constitute a larger share of overall traffic fatalities. It is essential to reduce casualties. The pedestrians can carry the sensing device and intersection controllers to get the phasing request for the chosen direction. When at the intersection, a pedestrian can easily choose the desired crossing route.

Some companies offer the Pedestrian Detection app that provides an auxiliary aid and service that helps people with impairments such as vision, hearing, and mobility. Through this app, they can identify pedestrian signals and request crossing signals from their mobile devices.

Once the set pre-defined conditions are met related to the position, speed, and travel direction, the PED app will also allow the pedestrian to proceed with PED calls to the intersection that is usually used for the priority signal request management. The app will send the accurate crossing-signal request to the intersection. The mobile app and signal head show pedestrian-signal status. The signal information is available through audible tones vibrating surfaces & visual indicators on the device screen. When ready from the traffic controller, the app can also provide a pedestrian countdown timer through audible, vibratory, and visual indicators.

In case there are non-centralized systems, some companies also provide detectors installed in control cabinets that can eventually provide an extensive array of detection data to the traffic controller.

Conclusion — All pedestrians, bi-cyclers must be familiar with accessible pedestrian signals or a Bicycle Detection App. Such applications increase safety and accessibility. These detection applications have numerous benefits in many application areas. In fact, surveillance reduces many casualties in the long run also. Such supporting technology allows older people, youngsters to move comfortably in their familiar environment..



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