Exploring the Impact of Traffic Light Preemption Device
Traffic Light Preemption is a system that permits an operator to nullify the normal operation of traffic lights. The most familiar use of these systems is that they control traffic signals in the path of an emergency vehicle, halting incompatible traffic and allowing the emergency vehicle right-of-way, thereby decreasing response times and increasing traffic safety. Signal preemption can also be used on light-rail, tram, and bus rapid transit systems, allowing public transportation to provide urgent access through intersections, and by railroad systems at crossings to avoid any kind of collision.
Preemption systems can reduce response times for emergency vehicles. Different studies have calculated a 15 to 50 percent decrease in response times and a 70 percent reduction in emergency vehicle crashes. These changes greatly affect the results of medical emergencies and have significantly improved traffic safety.
Traffic light/signal preemption is quite useful in many places in the cities. It is a technique in which traffic lights can be fitted and adjusted with special infrared receiving gadgets when the signal is dispatched from a particular transmitter in a vehicle.
Traffic light preemption devices are used in various ways as they can be put on on-road vehicles and operated through remote control from a permanent location, such as a fire station, that can be attached to train-transportation Network Management Systems or with an emergency call dispatcher. Ideally, a traffic signal should readily receive a traffic preemption signal; if it is not set, then it will not identify any activation and will continue to work in its normal cycle.
The advantages of preemption systems are that they can very effectively decrease response times or time duration for emergency vehicles. Nationwide studies have proven a 15 to 50 percent reduction in response times and a 75 percent reduction in crashes that require emergency vehicles. These improvements have a great effect on the results of medical emergencies and drastically improve traffic safety.
For more than 25 years, the EMTRAC system has been used all over North America to help first-response and transit vehicles reach at their destination quickly and safely.
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